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What About the Workers?
Kevin Holland-Elliott
Director/Consultant, Department of Occupational Health & Safety, King's College Hospital NHS Trust, Denmark Hill, London, UK
September 2004
ISBN 978-1-85315-650-2
Economically active workers in the UK see their general practitioners with more than two million episodes per year of occupational ill health according to the Health and Safety Executive, yet fewer than 3% of organizations in the UK adopt adequate management of their occupational health risks.
This is a formidable problem for industry and a number of questions need to be answered to help improve the situation:
How can we treat workers more efficiently to maximize the benefit to their employers and the economy?
What are the current diseases that affect working life and are they considered important by clinicians and government?
Who really picks up the bill for workers' ill health?
This meeting report aims to ask and answer these difficult questions about the health of workers in this country and the responsiveness of the health care system to their special needs. This will be of interest to opinion formers, large employers, officials of the treasury and other government departments and all concerned with the health of our economy and its workforce.
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Kevin Holland-Elliott