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History of the London Clinic

A Celebration of 75 Years

Harvey White

October 2007




ISBN 978-1-85315-679-3

History of the London Clinic

This unique title gives a detailed and fascinating account of the history surrounding the development of The London Clinic. Established in 1932 by a group of Harley Street doctors, the London Clinic was originally set up to provide inpatient facilities and accommodate a need of pathology, nursing care, physiotherapy and invasive procedures for Harley Street. The clinic has gone on to become an established independent hospital with an international reputation, dealing with all kinds of treatments from oncology to aesthetic surgery.

Written by Harvey White, a surgeon with first hand experience of working in the clinic, this book provides an invaluable insight into the inner workings of this exceptional institution. During the clinic's prestigious 75-year history, royal families, dignitaries, politicians, captains of industry and celebrities from across the world have visited the clinic, each treated by legendary surgeons and doctors. It is these visits and the personal memories of nursing staff, specialists and administrators that provide many of the memorable and enthralling stories that are detailed in this fascinating account.

White's profound fondness for the London Clinic is evident throughout this title. He details the character of the place, the excellence which underlies the endeavours, and the staff and personalities of those that have contributed to the success of the clinic. This title is an excellent historical read and is recommended to all those with an interest in medical history, and particularly those with an interest in the clinic and community surrounding Harley Street. Those who love a fascinating read containing interesting and intriguing stories about the lives of real people will also find this title immensely enjoyable.

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History of Medicine and Medical Biography

Harvey White