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Consistency of Supply of Antiepileptic Drugs

International Congress and Symposium Series, 260

Gus A Baker

July 2005




ISBN 978-1-85315-676-2

Consistency of Supply of Antiepileptic Drugs

This publication discusses the implementation of vaccine policy and covers novel vaccines, the US perspective, the nurse's role in the childhood vaccination schedule, safety of vaccines and the way the media portray the risks and benefits of vaccination.


Part 1: Patient's Perspective
The Patient's Experience and Viewpoint
Hilary Mountfield
Changing AED Medication: Impact on Patients
Ingrid Burns
Part 2: Physicians Perspective
Changing AED Medication: A Physicians' Perspective
Mike Kerr
Ensuring Consistency of AED prescriptions
Andy Hansen
Practitioner, Ethical and Managerial Issues
Economic Implications of Generic Substitution
Steven Chapman Impact of Switching Medicine: Findings From UK Research
Pam Crawford
Supply of AEDs in the UK: a Pharmacist's Perspective
Karen Braithwaite
Consensus in Prescribing
John Paul Leach
Gus A Baker

General Medicine


Gus A Baker